Landscaping and Glass: August 5, 2020

Like a swarm of locusts, the Gekko crew descended on the site.

On the south side, the contour between the houses was shaped to direct 
meltwater to the storm drain under the Sauerbreys' driveway.

On the north side, extensive trenching for the irrigation lines.

Hot in the sun on the front patio.

The trenching opens the opportunity to run a drain line from the 
side sump pump to the drainage ditch at the alley.

In the front yard, they unspool the supply line for the water feature.
The gaps between the sidewalk slabs come in handy.

Out back, Chris uses the backhoe to reposition boulders
 in the drainage ditch next to the driveway.

Inside, Michael completed the shower enclosure in the family room bathroom.

 And installed the mirrors in Bath G and Bath A.

And Bath D.


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