What Progress: June 19, 2019

After three weeks away, I returned to Steamboat Springs to discover great progress!
First, Stein completed the lower level framing.  This is to be the Great Room.

This allowed the first wall to be erected.
 This will be the wall between the garage and the back hallway --
the site of my lockers.  How fitting that it is the first wall.
The next wall to go up will be the north outside wall -- site of the sewing room. 
You can see it already assembled here, awaiting erection.
Meanwhile, on the lower level the downstairs bathroom is framed out.
The family room is taking shape.  The aperture is for the mountain-facing window.
Outside, the drain for the waterfall is installed.
The garage floor is being used as a staging area.  Bud has excavated for the piers that will support the deck off the back bedrooms, and forms are being installed for those foundations.
Similar preparations for the piers for the deck off the kitchen,
and for the back deck with the hot tub.


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